I don’t believe in ghosts. But recently I have been watching a lot of paranormal movies and TV series. I have watched all the underworld movies. I have also been watching the supernatural series, vampire diaries, true blood etc. I have also read some horror books. I am planning to read the “Books of Blood” too. I have been doing this to gather some information. I also want to watch something that will really scare me, something that can give me nightmares.
Watching all these movies and shows and reading all these books has actually influenced my life a lot. I have started getting many ideas and I have started thinking about paranormal creatures a lot.

One of the things I really want to do is to go to a haunted a house – a real haunted house. Even sometimes in the middle of the night when I walk downstairs into the kitchen to get myself a drink I wonder if I would see a ghost or a vampire right after I turn on the light. I also wonder what my reaction would be to it. Will I just freak out – scream and run back upstairs to my room and hide under my duvet or will I just stand there and smile at the ghost and say “Hi! How are you? I am Mitt.” And hope that the ghost’s friendly too. It would be nice to have a ghost as a friend, wouldn’t it?
A ghost can help you a lot. It can answer questions like – life after, afterlife, what everyone really thinks of you, etc. It can also help you scare your enemies and keep you company whenever you need it. I would really like a ghost friend. I know they don’t exist, but it would be nice if they do.
What do you think? Do you believe in ghosts? What would you do if you ran into one? Have you ever run into one? Please leave your comments in the box below.