Witches are very popular fictional characters. They can be found in many popular books like The “Chronicles of Narnia,” “Harry Potter” and various other fictional books. They can also be found in many movies like “Sleepy Hollow” and “Practical Magic” and in popular TV shows like “Sabrina The Teenage Witch.”
They are both evil and friendly witches. Evil or friendly, people still like them just the same, because everybody loves magic. Who wouldn’t like the power to create something out of nothing, using magic? Magic can help you get anything you want – your favourite foods, keep enemies away, fly, and get everybody to like you. Do you wish there was a school like Hogwarts to teach you how to become a witch or do you just wonder if witches, witchcraft and magic are really true?
At one point it looks amazing and from the other it looks too good to be true.
I live in Lancaster, UK which is a tiny City about an hour’s drive from Manchester. On 18 to 19 August, 1612, the trials of the Pendle Witches took place here at the Lancaster Assizes. This was one of the biggest and well recorded witch trials that took place in England.
In this trial the Pendle Witches who lived around the Pendle Hill area in the Lancashire County were accused of causing harm to others. Witches in those periods were known for their ability to influence and harm others with the use of magic. This wasn’t the only area where witches were known to exist.
They were known to exist in all of England, Europe and other parts of the world. There were many trials which were pinned by the church and the kings against the witches, which led to them being punished through law or destroyed in witch hunts. Witches weren’t known to have amazing powers to create something out of nothing as shown in fiction, but they were known to have abilities like predicting future, communicate with spirits, flying, influencing others, cursing others and causing harm to them.
At present you also do have many witches who claim to have many of the powers mentioned above. They normally make their living by claiming to help people by predicting future and trying to help them with their problems by the use of magic. Quite a few people believe that they really do.
What about you – do you believe that witches exist? Or do you think they are just meant to exist in fiction?